Terms of Service


Terms of Service


Terms of Service

Although the administrators and moderators of this site will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this site, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of this site, nor vBulletin Solutions, Inc. (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.

By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

The owners of this site reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any content item for any reason.



Cookies (and how they are used.)

Cookies are very small text files that are stored on your computer when you visit some websites.

We use cookies to help identify your computer so we can tailor your user experience, track shopping basket contents and remember where you are in the order process. You can disable any cookies already stored on your computer, but these may stop our website from functioning properly.

The following is strictly necessary in the operation of our website.

This Website Will:
  • Use cookies to track your current login.
  • Use cookies to track your current session.
  • Use cookies for AJAX communication with the server.
  • Use cookies to track read marking on specific topics.

Functional Cookies

The following are not Strictly Necessary, but are required to provide you with the best user experience.

This Website Will:
  • Track the pages you visits via Google Analytics
  • Allow you to share pages with social networks such as Facebook (If available)
This website will not:
  • Share any personal information with third parties.

What is 'Automatic Login'?

When you register (and also when you login using the form at the top of the screen), you will be given the option to 'Remember me'. This will store your identity securely in a cookie on your computer. If you are using a shared computer, such as in a library, school or internet cafe, or if you have reason to not trust any other users that might use this computer, we recommend you do not enable this.

How do I clear my cookies or cache? Text

You can clear all your cookies set by the forum by clicking the 'logout' link at the top of the page. In some cases, if you return to the main index page via the link provided and you are still logged in, you may have to remove your cookies manually.

To clear cookies and cache in Internet Explorer 9

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Delete to open the Delete Browsing History window.
  2. Select Temporary Internet Files and cookies.
  3. Uncheck all of the other boxes, especially Preserve Favorites website data. This option makes the window also delete objects from websites in your Favorites folder, which is necessary to completely clear your cookies and cache.
  4. Click the Delete button near the bottom of the window to perform the operations (i.e. clear your cache by deleting temporary files).
  5. Your computer will work for a moment, and then the process will be complete. You've successfully cleared Internet Explorer 9's Cookies and Cache!

To clear cookies and cache in Internet Explorer 8

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Delete to open the Delete Browsing History window
  2. Select Temporary Internet Files and Cookies.
  3. Uncheck all of the other boxes, especially Preserve Favorites website data. This option makes the window also delete objects from websites in your Favorites folder, which is necessary to completely clear your cookies and cache.
  4. Click the Delete button near the bottom of the window to delete your temporary files (i.e. clear your cache) and cookies.

To clear cookies and cache in Firefox 4.0 or higher

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Delete to open the recent history window.
  2. Make sure 'Details' is expanded, then select Cache and Cookies from the list. Uncheck everything else.
  3. In the Time Range to Clear: drop down, select everything.
  4. Select Clear Now. Your computer will work for a moment, and the process will be complete. You've successfully cleared Firefox's Cache!

To clear cookies and cache in Chrome V10 or higher

  1. Access the Delete Browsing History window by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Delete, or clicking on this link: [chrome://settings/clearBrowserData].
  2. Select the Empty the cache check-box and the Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data check-box. Uncheck everything else to avoid deleting data unintentionally.
  3. In the Obliterate the following items from: dropdown menu, select the beginning of time.
  4. Click the Clear Browsing Data button. Chrome will work for a moment, and then the process will be done. You've successfully cleared Chrome's Cache!

To clear cookies and cache in Safari

  1. Once your browser is open, click the Safari menu and select Empty Cache....
  2. Click Empty.
  3. To delete Cookies, click the Safari menu and select Preferences...
  4. Under the Privacy tab, select Details
  5. Select "Remove all", read the confirmation message and click "Remove" and then "Done"

For browsers not listed or for additional help, please contact your Internet browser support.
